Friday, October 2, 2009

Zombieland Review

This is not a scary movie... I repeat this is NOT a scary movie...
This movie was great! It is hilarious and had M, my two guy friends, and I rolling!
It takes the story of a post zombie infected USA and goes through the list of rules to survive in what he now calls the USA..."Zombieland."
It is so funny! My favorite rules are "Beware of Bathrooms" and "Always Double Tap"
For those of you who do not like gore, I will admit there is a lot of it. My BFF/Roomie, M, is terrified of everything and she found this movie funny! There is so much humor in this movie it counter acts the gore. So be the judge yourself if gore really really bothers you skip this one, but if it only bothers you a little then try something new with this film. No one said you aren't allowed to close your eyes hehe!

I say: All adult movie fans should see this... It is original and a great laugh.


  1. I love funny movies. I'll have to check it out!!! xoxo


  2. I still haven't seen this. But I do think it looks like a really fun movie!
