Sunday, April 5, 2009

25 Facts About Me!

1- I was born in Houston, Tx more specifically Sugar Land
2- I moved to Miami, Fl. when I was 5
3- I have won a National Championship in Softball
4- I love the Beatles and Death Cab for Cutie
5- I have always been a blonde, but I have thought about trying brunette just to scared
6- I love Mexican food!!!
7- When I grow up I want to be either a trailer editor or a screenwriter
8- I am addicted to Tanning, it feels like summer all year round
9- I love Diet Coke and Flavored Water
10- Baking is one of my favorite things, I like to feel domestic
11- Halloween is my favorite holiday!
12- I love being a Kappa Alpha Theta!
13- I am the definition of a Pisces, water loving, music loving and dueling sides (my sides are super prep vs. bad girl)
14- Music is my passion for life
15- I love MOVIES!!!
16- I know every word to Peter Pan because he is amazing!!
17- Dancing is super fun
18- My dream job is to be the flying Tinkerbell at the Disney World fireworks show
19- Pineapple is my favorite fruit and my favorite French word Anana
20- I love going to and throwing themed parties with my girls!
21- I secretly want to become a golfer
22- Not only am I a lifeguard, but I am a river front lifeguard
23- My favorite Bible verse is 1 Cor 13:8- Love Never Fails!!
24- I am a scrapbooking, arts and crafts diva
25- I am a water baby- I always down for swimming, surfing, snorkeling, etc...


  1. I am beginning to think I am getting addicted to tanning. I dragged my blackberry into the bed with me today! My bif was like please lay off the crackberry.

  2. Very cute! I'm a water person too. And I love the preppy life. Have a great day

  3. Ever word to which version "Peter Pan"?
    And DO check THIS out, then ;)


  4. every word to the original disney animated

  5. I've been a slacker in reading all the blogs I follow... I can't believe I missed this. I'm especially understanding #13 and #14! I love music and swear one day I will figure out how to make a soundtrack to my life. And I frequently have my prep and bad girl sides duking it out!
