Monday, April 6, 2009

Sun Bowl Princess

I started this blog after main Sun Bowl Season but I wanted to share my adventures with you.
In July 2008 I was selected to be a Sun Bowl Princess for the Brut Sun Bowl football game.
I went threw an application and interview process, the judges looked for scholastic excellence, community involvement, and social grace.
Here are my 2 official press photos:
Here is us at the Sun Bowl Golf Tournament over Thanksgiving:
These boys will be on the PGA some day and they are my friends now!
Finally we had the game! OSU v Pitt:
Oregon State Won! I made many friends with the players and made more memories!


  1. I love that you are a princess! How cool is that. I want to be a princess too. Congratulations. If you ever want to talk about writing let me know. I've been at this for 4 years. Best of luck! xoxo

  2. What an acheivement! You must post on all your activities - it must be such a fun thing to do!
